About Us


Our Vision


We are two women deeply immersed in the profound wisdom of Ayurveda with a healthy dose of Integrative Health Coaching

We are committed to assisting you on your distinctive path toward optimum health and well-being.

Our purpose is to bridge the divide between your health vision and practical steps. With empathy, we empower you to tune into your inner wisdom and tap into your body’s inherent healing intelligence


Our Values

It’s all about the client and the neuroscience of change

We minimize ourselves to maximize your self discovery.

Non judgmental partnership

We pave the way for you to reach your health vision by leaving our judgments outside of the sessions.

Do something today for a better tomorrow

Our Mission

Discover to Transform

Engage with individuals looking to elevate their self-awareness, increase self-efficacy, and embrace greater personal responsibility for achieving the healthy and fulfilling life they aspire to and deserve.

The CDC states that a large percentage of US healthcare costs are incurred in treating Chronic Diseases (Diseases that are preventable by making the necessary lifestyle modifications).

Through our commitment to cultivating self-awareness in clients, we strive to create a meaningful impact in the battle against ‘Preventable Chronic Illness.’

In our role as Health Coaches, we are honored to motivate clients toward adopting healthier habits. We foster and empower them to develop a deep self-awareness regarding their health.



Certified Health & Well-Being Coach (Duke University)

Holistic Ayurvedic Health Coach (Kerala Ayurveda Academy)

Certified Nutrition Coach (NASM)

As a coach, I assist people in making meaningful behavior changes that will enable them to live the healthy life they want and deserve.

I have a background in both science and finance with a sprinkling of Human Resources. With that in mind, I bring coaching as a verified and science-driven process with a soul. Soulful Science!

        Why Soulful Science?

Living in alignment with the larger scheme of things is something I aspire to live by every day. To this end, nutrition, fitness, meditation and pranayama become key players in my life. Aside from trying to eat farm to table meals I very much abide by “eating for YOUR body type” No two people are the same and green salad doesn’t bode well with every human on this Earth.  Additionally, Ayurvedic way of living and eating is something that has always been part of my life and now understanding the “science” behind has been life-changing for me. The Gut-Brain connection is the basis of my everyday life. What you eat and how you eat really decides how you feel, think and engage with the world.

I’m passionate about empowering you to see your uniqueness, your beauty, your spark and your very special place on this lovely planet since meeting yourself at a deeper level is a first step towards recasting a healthier physical YOU. You are here to fulfill your dreams and goals and I would be privileged and grateful to be a part of your health and well-being journey.


Certified Health & Well-Being Coach (Duke University)

Holistic Ayurvedic Health Coach (Kerala Ayurveda Academy)

Certified Nutrition Coach (NASM)

As a coach, I assist clients in realizing their holistic health goals. I prefer collaborative approaches, steering clear of prescriptive coaching methods, and work alongside my clients.

My Story

I have degrees in Nutrition Science and Computer Science, and I love both fields for their uniqueness. My lifelong interest in healthy living and curiosity about food guided me through my personal AutoImmunity journey and inspired me to become an Ayurvedic Health Coach.

I find joy in proactively planning, organizing, and seamlessly integrating health goals into everyday life, avoiding last-minute responses to health concerns. My health motto is to prioritize prevention and planning without procrastination.

I’d love for us to connect if you’re looking for a collaborative partnership to improve your health and well-being, tailored to your vision and at your own pace.

There’s no better time than now to begin investing in yourselves!

Talk to you soon


Get Coaching!

13 + 6 =


Health and wellness coaches work with individuals and groups in a client-centered process to facilitate and empower the client to develop and achieve self-determined goals related to health and wellness. Coaches support clients in mobilizing internal strengths and external resources, and in developing self-management strategies for making sustainable, healthy lifestyle, behavior changes. While health and wellness coaches per se do not diagnose conditions, prescribe treatments, or provide psychological therapeutic interventions, they may provide expert guidance in areas in which they hold active, nationally recognized credentials, and may offer resources from nationally recognized authorities such as those referenced in NBHWC’s Content Outline with Resources. As partners and facilitators, health and wellness coaches support their clients in achieving health goals and behavioral change based on their clients’ own goals and consistent with treatment plans as prescribed by individual clients’ professional health care providers. Coaches assist clients to use their insight, personal strengths and resources, goal setting, action steps and accountability toward healthy lifestyle change.



Holistic Ayurvedic Coaches do not require licensing in the field of Ayurveda, as there is no required licensing for Ayurveda at this time.

Ayurvedic coaches can provide the following servics –

Educate clients and general public on Ayurvedic principles including the holistic view of health, the elements, Doshas, Ayurvedic diet, daily and nightly routines, and living in alignment with nature’s rhythms. Explain the connection between body, mind and spirit and how various natural tools and principles can enhance the quality of life

Offer talks/write articles about principles of Ayurvedic living. Offer cooking classes using Ayurvedic recipes along with techniques and tips to create Ayurvedically balanced meals

Analyze a client’s unique mind-body constitution according to Ayurvedic principles. Take health history of a client’s personal and family wellness. Advise clients on dietary choices based on their Doshas and the six tastes. Recommend yoga and yogic practices for improved health