White lotus health

Discover to transform

Who is an Integrative Health Coach?

Health and well-being coaches guide clients in utilizing their inner strengths and external resources to make enduring, healthy lifestyle changes through a transparent process. They transform your aspiration for better health into tangible actions.

Who is an Ayurvedic Health Coach?

An Ayurvedic health coach combines the wisdom of Ayurveda, a holistic system of ancient Indian medicine that promotes longevity and harmony between the body and mind with the expertise of health and well-being coaching. This holistic approach aims to harmonize individuals with their environment and natural rhythms while considering each person’s unique constitution, empowering clients to transform their intentions for health and lifestyle change into tangible actions

Our Approach

We work with you to identify and improve,

  • Your Intrinsic Motivators to make         sustainable lifestyle & behavior changes
  • Holistic view of your health
  • Overall Quality of Life
  • Empower you to set and achieve your own holistic health and lifestyle vision

We partner with you to visualize your health goals, help you take accountability for them and provide continuous support while you work towards your goals.

We believe in, “Small changes for Big impact“.

Our Process

Plan your Initial Free Discovery Call to understand your needs and expectations

  • Choose the program/package that best fits your needs
  • Schedule your sessions (Virtual)
  • Set your GOALS
  • Review your progress periodically
  • Plan for additional and new Goals

We offer Individual, Group and Hybrid sessions for our Individual clients and Organizational partners.

We also collaboratively build Custom Programs for our Organizational partners and Private groups.

Ayurvedic analysis of mind body Constitution
Nutrition Coaching
Weight Loss and Weight Gain
Emotional Well being and Mindfulness
Preventative Health Goal setting
Sleep Management
Stress Management
Disease Management in everyday life

Having Trouble Finding a Healthy Lifestyle?

You’re Not Alone, We’re Here to Help!

Studies indicate that individuals are open to changing lifelong habits when the modifications are linked to significant aspects of their lives

You have full control of your life. Take the driver’s seat today for a better you tomorrow.

We help facilitate your



“My White Lotus Coach spent extensive time understanding my background, strengths, & well-being journey. She did a deep dive & was very quick to assess the roadblocks that I have never been able to see myself.  The biggest takeaway from this journey is how I can address some major issues with simple steps. My Coach  suggested some great ideas that helped me stay accountable for my actions in a positive way.
White Lotus has been instrumental in changing my perception of how I see things. In the past, I used to either make it or drop it, now I try to do the best I can. I learned how not to give up on good healthy habits that make me happy & stay active. The ideas and suggestions I got helped not just me, but my entire family. I want to sincerely thank and appreciate White Lotus for all the help and guidance provided for my well-being.”
Torrance, California

I found my health coaching session very helpful to overcome my problems and achieve my health goal. Before starting health coaching, I was going through extreme stress . The things that benefited me the most was learning mindful eating and learning to plan my daily activities.

My coach was able to bring out my very best and I feel supported and heard by my coach. She was able to understand my challenges and limitations and work with them. I received full value for my time and will refer other people

Seattle, WA
I had wonderful sessions  with the coach at White Lotus Health and it really helped me to achieve what I wanted. I still can’t believe that this really worked out so well for me. Thank you so much and I really appreciate all your efforts in helping me to achieve my goals. I would definitely contact White Lotus Health once again if I require some similar support in my life. My husband is very happy with what I am now and this experience has changed many minute things in life to make it happy and healthy.
New Jersey

I was skeptical before I started the coaching by my coach. But it was immensely helpful in the completion of my program. My White Lotus Health Coach brought out my dormant inner strength.

Adherence initially was like a compulsion but after the coaching, it become the way of life.I started accepting the challenges. Also, my mind became calm and cool. I started adding new activities for which the love was dormant, this has changed my attitude toward life.

What I enjoyed most was the respectful and non-judgmental attitude of my coach.

My coach was able to bring out my best, I felt supported and heard. She was able to understand my challenges and limitations and work with them. i received full value for my time. in the future, i will not hesitate to refer other people to my coach.

Dr Yogesh Arya

Seattle, Washington

The coaching session helped me make small changes to my lifestyle that got me closer to my goals. Some of the challenges I had before I started sessions were losing self-confidence, losing control over emotions and not being disciplined with food or workouts. After coaching experience, I was able to discover the root cause of my challenges.These sessions helped me break down complex challnges & learn how to set small goals to build confidence. I am thankful that I went through these sessions and I really appreciate my coach as she was able to understand my challenges/limitations and work with them.

AN, California

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you take insurance?

Health insurance does not cover health coaching, as yet. We hope this changes in the future! 

Do you prescribe medications?

We, Health Coaches do not prescribe medications. We recommend that our clients seek appropriate medical services for any medication needs.

What is the difference between diets and a Health Coaching Program?

Diets have been proven to be short lived in effectiveness and only if properly followed. The results tend to fluctuate since diets look at only food to affect body weight and overall health.

Health coaching takes a 360 degree holistic approach which will enable you to achieve lasting lifestyle and behavior changes. 

What are the similarities between Integrative Health coaching and Ayurvedic Health coaching?

Both Integrative Health coaches and Ayurvedic health coaches aim to help clients make lifestyle changes that lead to improved well-being and health.
Both approaches acknowledge the importance of turning intentions for change into concrete actions, with health coaches explicitly mentioned as turning desires into real actions.

What is Ayurvedic Mind body analysis (Prakriti analysis )?

Prakriti, an exquisite tapestry of an individual’s unique psycho-physical constitution, captures the essence of their being. It stands as a timeless unique signature from birth to eternity, devoid of inherent ailments. Prakriti reveals the delicate interplay of elemental forces with the world, shaping each person’s exclusive identity. This intrinsic metabolic makeup paints a canvas upon which tastes and emotions delicately dance, defining one’s profound connection with the universe.

Can I switch between the two coaching approaches if I change my mind?

“Indeed, it is achievable. Coaching sessions are tailored to maximize benefits for our clients, adapting to their evolving needs.”

How is a Health coach different from friends and well wishers?

Whilst it is quite natural to turn to well wishers, family and friends for health advice, they may not be properly trained to offer such advice. A Health Coach is a non-biased and trained professional who will work with you to understand your health and lifestyle needs and follow through by offering Health Coaching guidance. As a Health Coach we will continue to build on the trusted relationship with you as you progress in your Health Vision.

Do I have to come in person for sessions or can we do this over the phone or Zoom?

You can avail Health Coaching Services virtually and gain from them as effectively if not more via virtual sessions. Most of our current clients are spread all over the country and some even abprad, they affirm to seeing results from their virtual sessions.

I don’t see an answer to my question in the FAQ, what do I do

You have questions and we may have some answers! Else, we can collaboratively work towards finding some!

Just email us at, talktous@WhiteLotusHealth.care 

We look forwards to talking with you.

What is different between Integrative Health Coaching and Ayurvedic Coaching?

Health and well-being coaches focus on using a clear process to help clients utilize their inner strengths and external resources to create lasting changes, while Ayurvedic health coaches integrate the principles of Ayurveda into their coaching, emphasizing harmony with nature and considering a person’s unique constitution.
Ayurvedic health coaching specifically incorporates the wisdom of Ayurveda and includes mind-body analysis as part of the coaching process, which may not be a standard practice in general health and well-being coaching.

Can I choose between the two coaching approaches?

“It is indeed possible to select from the two coaching approaches. Additionally, we can provide guidance based on the personal preferences of our clients.”

What if I'm uncertain about which coaching approach would suit me best?

As coaches, we can spotlight the commonalities and distinct features of each coaching approach, guiding our clients to discover what suits them best.

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